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== Problems and Solutions == We work constantly on improving the Fiji and KNIME plugins. Help us doing so by letting us know if you encounter problems.
Problem: on a Linux machine ClearVolume would not start but throw an ugly exception like
java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError at clearvolume.renderer.opencl.OpenCLAvailability...
. -
Solution: you might not have OpenCL installed or your installation is corrupted.
On Ubuntu the following instructions turned out to be useful for some of our users:
- Problem: on a Mac, after ClearVolume opens in Fiji I see a large grey area where the 3D viewer should be.
- Solution: we work on a fix… so far, double click on the grey area to switch to full screen, then double click again to go back to window mode.
What is ClearVolume?
ClearVolume is a volume renderer developed at MPI-CBG. Its sources are open and can be cloned from GitHub. If you use ClearVolume in your research, please cite it—see reference below.